
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My 'Sailing Inland' installation is happening this Saturday, 10 till 4pm. If you are in the vicinity of Gerrard's lookout [ about 1km Nth of Balmoral on the Maleny-Montville Rd] drop in and say 'Hi'. You won't miss me !!!
This installation tells stories of the past and of the present, connecting the coast to the hinterland.
The white sails echo the arrival of many of our forebears by sailing ship, along the coast that stretches out far below the escarpment.
The colourful sails reflect the hang gliders that regularly float and thread themselves across the skies above, taking off from the escarpment and drifting down below, bringing the mountains to the sea.


  1. Looks great.. and I like the connection to our past. How many native Australians stood on that ridge and watched sailing ships going by...and wondered.

  2. I remember when I was in primary school the celebrations for the sesquicentennial celebrations for the crossing of the Blue Mountains!! You have captured this all again in your installation here on the Range!! Well done!! Have an exciting day - Cheers!! Jo's comment hits it on the head, as well!!

  3. Thanks Jo and Wyn - I love the feeling of the indiginous peoples on the ridge, wondering about the sailing ships, a poignant mental image - You have captured EXACTLY what the installation is about - stimulating thought and discussion and triggering collective consciousness. I will send out some love and peace to them during the day XX

  4. N-hope it goes well - I know the sails will be spectacular with the backdrop of the trees. B
