
Friday, September 14, 2012


September is a creative month in this neck of the woods. Spring is here - the weather is warming up, we have had no rain in ages and the green hills are now brownish hills.
We have 'open studios' happening for the next 4 weeks, 6 'art4place' workshop/installation activities, various gallery exhibitions, a major ceramic festival with awards and exhibitions featuring Jackson Li who we befriended in China last year.
I was part of a 2 day kid's conference recently - based around environmental awareness.
The art workshops were organised by Trisha Dobson, and held in the bush. My kids cut leaves from onion skin pre dyed recycled fabrics, which I had prepared weeks before. They then tied them to twigs and branches, to be attached to a large free standing ply wood tree in the conference centre in the evening. My friend Kim's group made lovely tree roots from recycled rags, and Jill had her group decorating prefired ceramic 'spirit' forms.
It was a fabulous day - perfect weather, perfect kids [thanks to great organisation and lots of helpers] and the final installation looked great. It is now available for display in Sunshine Coast venues - schools, libraries, workshops, etc. Contact Karen Shaw of Brush Turkey Enterprises if you are interested.
finished 'Tree of Life'
...preparing the fabric for my kids' leaves,
...lovely bush setting, arrived!!!
...making leaves,
...and a kookaburra from jeans pocket,
...some finished,
...and the tree being assembled in the hall,
...tree with stage lighting [just before the band practice - OMG!!! too old for all those decibels]


  1. How cool to work like this with the kids!!! well done

  2. You guys look like you're enjoying it... decibels and all.

  3. What a lovely project for the kids! It looks like they had a great time!

  4. Wonderful post Noela and many thanks for the link, it was such a fun filled day! soooo enjoyable...

  5. N-very cool outcome - always admire folk who can create with kids. Go well. B

  6. It looks like a fabulous fun-filled day was had by all...awesome!

  7. extra! aussi les posts suivants.. !

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