
Friday, June 29, 2012

Catherine O'Leary - Nuno Felting Workshop RESULTS

Wow - what a great workshop - I made a vest/wrap, and learnt lots of what NOT to do!!
Of course I took too much - used a tiny fraction of my bits and the sari glitzy bits didn't work too well. The silver sari bits I used need to be hand stitched to anchor them properly [as do a few other bits as well] and I'd like to add some red and celadon or silver running stitches to some areas - can't go past a bit of hand stitching for added oomph, can we???
Here is the Process:
1. Drafted a 'pattern' from a simple wrap of Catherines,
laid it out on my needle felted length [25% extra allowed for shrinkage]
 and cut around.
2. Arranged 'nuno felted' bits, silk bits and sari bits onto the base.
3.Catherine showed me how to splice an extra bit of felt to the front to form a wrap.
4. Wetting down, and covering with thin plastic to stop bits shifting.
5. Rolled on bubble wrap around a pool 'noodle' for 15 mins each end.
6. Then rolled around a broom handle for 15 mins each end, and peeking and gently stretching to shape between each series of rolling.
7. A bit of selective rubbing and rolling to create pointy ends and strengthen the felting [and accidently thin some bits too much].
8. Dry and on the manekin, ready for fine tuning and shaping, a bit of stitching, maybe some buttons.
9. I like the back more than the front.
10. It is surprisingly light and should be nice to wear even in our warm Qld weather.

I have found a new passion!!! Great fun except for the tedious couple of hours of rolling - need to be watching a movie, methinks.
HINT - using the prefelted 'needle felted' length made it SOOOOO easy.


  1. What a wonderful result! I love it. I know nothing about Nuno Felting but have seen a lot online, yours really stands out.

  2. Thanks Marina, can't wait to do some more XX

  3. magnifique résultat..!
    digne d'un grand couturier!

  4. N-pretty wild - and I saw it on parade in its glory on Thurs. Big effort - well done. B

  5. I've been back every day to visit your most delicious wrap. Have you worn it yet? What a wonderful feeling that must have been, if so. I imagine you stopped often so others could comment and touch and ask you to twirl so they could the back too.

    I'm in awe...and want one. Need to figure out that pattern and give it a try...when time allows. Until then, I'll be back to visit.

  6. Thanks Elfi, B, F and Jennifer,
    No, it hasn't made it to wearing yet - I need some help from my free form garment whizz kid friend - Christine - she will give me the clues on buttons, draping, stitching etc. Better get on with it while we still have some winter :)
