
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

'Culture 2 Culture' exhibition

At last the past six months of work is coming to fruition.
My artist friend Christine Elcoate and I went to China in October 2011 and connected with many artists, thanks to our Sister City friendships and local government support.
We organised 4 fabulous workshops in March with Chinese artist Li Jun, here on the Sunshine Coast, and now we have a collaborative exhibition at Rosebed St Gallery, Eudlo, with 12 artists [Li Jun and 11 locals], and school children's works from 2 Chinese schools and 3 Sunshine Coast schools.
The centrepoint of the exhibition will be 300+ domino sized ceramic tiles - made in Australia, some glazed here by local artists, others glazed in China and brought back for the exhibition.
Maya, Noela, Annie and Christine looking at ways to display the work in the gallery.
Here's a sneak preview of some of the wonderful works to be exhibited:
...watercolour detail by Li Jun,
..."The Burn" detail, by Pam Walpole [one of my favourite artists of all time],
..."Never Green", detail by Merv Jefferson,
...Southern Ice Porcelain Beaker by Kim Schoenberger,
...lidded vessel by Mieke van Sambeek,
...detail of jacket by Christine Elcoate, standing sculpture by Ken Munsie,
...carved porcelain light by Robyn Gill,
...calligraphy by Fiona Dempster,
...'Bus Stop Mountain' detail by Wyn Vogel.
...little book detail by Noela Mills.

My sincere thanks to all the artists, the gallery owners, our new Chinese friends and all the tile makers, especially Kevin Grealy, who made and fired many of the 300 tiles. Your trust and faith is us and the project has been wonderful.
It will be a fabulous representation of how the Chinese cultural traditions have inspired and influenced us all in so many different ways.

Please join us for the opening, Friday 25th May, 7pm, at the Rosebed Gallery, Eudlo.


  1. What a rewarding project! I'm already familiar with several of the featured artists and am off to explore the links to the others. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Congratulations Noela (& Christine, Kevin...) for all your hard work, and thank you for providing this wonderful collaborative opportunity. K x

  3. I wish I could be at the opening.. so many artists -some names I recognize..will be featured.. your connections to artist in China does show how small the art world is.

  4. Wish I could be there, sounds interesting.
