
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Open studios weekend

It has been a busy weekend on the Range - open studios for about 30 artists and community activities in the park as part of the 'Festival of Walks'.
As part of our art4place activities, I helped make 'cairns' from collected sticks in Pecan Park. Children and adults wrote wishes, hopes and dreams onto leaf shapes and placed them in the cairns for the wish fairies :)
 This park is a hang out for the local rebel teenagers, and overnight they must have found the temptation to have a bonfire too much - I took this photo the next afternoon.
...rather a nice 'circle of fire'.

Open Studios:
I was one of the very few local artists not open to the public for various reasons, so I enjoyed a bit of time visiting some of the studios.
Kim Schoenberger demonstrating at Main Street Gallery, Montville:
..a busy weekend and it all happens again next weekend. All feedback has been very positive - lots of interest and sales and good promotion for the Arts on the range.

Well done, gang.

I hope to get to a few more of the 30 Open Studios next weekend.


  1. c'est si ferait plaisir d'admirer les oeuvres sur place...
    merci pour ce billet et de faire connaitre les artistes dans le vaste monde!

  2. N- great photos of the Pecan Park cairns - and as another artist friend said, the burning of the cairn both emphasised the ephemeral nature of the work and released the wishes. Thanks for taking the shots of the amigos; and thanks for the promotion. Go well. B

  3. Despite the torching, I'm sure the wish faeries had their work under control. I remember clearly a local park's faerie day many years ago, where faeries-in-training dressed in rainbow shades of rainbow tulle peeked in and out of the treeline. My daughters--both young adults now--recall this event vividly and fondly still. In the end, magic wins!

  4. Great weekend of 'show and tell'. Hope the weather improves for the next one.

  5. My goodness I love your energy and blog. There is so much to explore and it seems you are so very talented that you can do everything. I can see you have surrounded yourself with a wonderful art must help so in the creativity department. I am a solo artist trying to find her way and your blog keeps "feeding" me. Thanks . Karin Lynn

  6. Hi Elfi - I use google translate to translate your words... 'it's so far ... I would be happy to admire the works on site ... thank you for this post and to know the artists in the wide world!'
    ..yes, this blogging world is great fun but in some ways it's frustrating that we can't meet in person,
    Baz - yes, the 'amigos' are a great connection - aren't we lucky!!!
    Laura - thanks for the visual of the rainbow faeries - wonderful, magical realm of infinite possibilities,
    Jo - I heard you were out and about on the weekend- and I still can't comment on your blog - the workshop looked great - love your still life,
    Karin, thank you SO much for your lovely words of encouragement - this is why I keep going - I am so glad you are inspired by what I do, and yes, we have a fabulous network of creative connections here on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland - I feel so blessed xoxoxoxo

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  9. Great ephemeral works guys I wish I could have been part of it, the photographs of the Cairns are fantasitc. Nice studio shoots of the gang too! Cheers Noela. K x
