
Monday, July 18, 2011


I have a commission to make a pair of red 'teabag' earrings for a regular customer at our local 'Art on Cairncross' Gallery. The lady has bought many of my jewellery pieces, so I am keen to do something special for her.
I have made jewellery from dyed teabag tissue in the past - they are always a hit with the more adventurous art lover. I have been 'out of the loop' with jewellery making for a few months, so it has taken a while to get back into it. The first pair I made were way 'over the top', 

..the next pair are a little better,

...and the third pair are 'just right' - remind you of anyone?? [answer at the bottom],
I layered and glued 4 or 5 new flat sheets of teabag tissue together, and painted over with red inks. Strips were cut and holes pricked every 1 cm, then wire and beads threaded through, 'concertinaing' the tissue as I went. 
I will give the client the choice between all 3 pairs - I'll let you know which ones she likes.

The answer to the riddle is Goldilocks, of course!! xoxoxo 



  1. Wow! The earrings...all three...are awesome. May I ask what you charge for them?

  2. Gorgeous red.... I actually like the 'over the top' ones best.

  3. Gorgeous N- bold red and lovely swinging stylish design!

  4. Hi Jennifer, Suki, Jo and Fiona, thanks for the thumbs up, and interesting that no 1 seems to be the favourite - Jennifer, I am having trouble commenting on your blog, but I really love your dischatge dyed pieces - good excuse to make more for a book - my earrings retail for app. $140, $120, $100 respectively

  5. N- always love your teabag earrings and pendants and these red earrings are very speccie - great fan and concertina. B

  6. Dear Noela ... love them ... I'd even wear them - to a formal function only of course !!!

  7. What kind of trouble are you experiencing trying to comment on my blog? Maybe I can fix it.

  8. Hi Jennifer - my computer keeps asking me to 'sign in' - happens with a lot of blogs
