
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Painting again

I have just started the hard but satisfying journey of picking up a paintbrush once again. I seem to be able to achieve the desired results in other art forms, but painting is always difficult - rarely am I satisfied with the results - thus it is a constant challenge for me, but one which is so rewarding when it 'comes together'.
These are details of the current painting - only small - about 250mm x 300mm - I'm not showing you the whole picture 'cos I'm not happy with it, but I oh so love these details:
 - just like I love the peeling paint on the table on the deck.


  1. Love the colour mix Noela - and the strokes! It will come together for you I am sure!! Really hard after much travel to sync back into it so many thing going around in your mind...

  2. N- great you are back into the painting. Thanks for dropping by on Saturday - Christine's chandelier is pretty amazing - though I have not had time to dismantle or clean bits; and the chocolate coated macadamias were a treat. Go well. B

  3. looking good N - and continue to enjoy - don't stress it too much!

  4. You're back!!!!! Nice to see you with brush in hand.

  5. Oh, thank you dear friends for the encouragement and comforting words. I'm thinking of literally cutting out the 'good bits' and gluing them onto a new canvas. Leslie, wish you were here to help me loosen up xoxoxox

  6. Dear Noela-
    Been following your blog for a little while now, spec. Your Moroccan journey (fantastic). I think your paintings are beautiful, want to see the entire work though, not just parts you like :)

    You've inspired me to post some recent watercolors on my blog. They'll be up later on today. If you'd like to view:

  7. Beautiful pieces. Just been reading Da Vinci encouraging artists to observe old walls for their textures. Talk about ahead of his times.
