
Friday, April 1, 2011

A Walk a day and a Photo a Day

Arghhhh - I need to exercise - I have an excessively bad attitude when it comes to exercise.
OK - maybe I can make it a bit creative by taking a 'Photo a Day' as I do my 'Walk a Day'.
1st April - good day to start.
Go for a half hour walk near one of the galleries I have to go to today - good - new scenery.
Drat - [or maybe yeah - let off the hook] - it rained quite heavily all afternoon and I was running late anyway.
OK just do a brisk walk through the town as I need to stop at the Chemist anyway.
OK, nice brisk walk [it's a small town], stopping to take photos every few yards - maybe not so brisk after all.
Well, it was actually quite fun - I really LOOKED at stuff.
The exercise was OK too - my legs felt quite happy.
Couldn't limit myself to one photo of course, so here is a selection of 6.


  1. Hi N- great idea! Love the running commentary; but I'm sure you'll end up with a visual feast and increased fitness. Enjoy!

  2. Hi Noela, nice concept and I'm looking forward to the "visual feast"
    as Fiona wrote. What shows the bottom photo?
    By the way, love your landmarks (march 19).

  3. N-agree with F - good combo - walk and creativity - before you know it you will be enjoying two hour rambles across the countryside. Go well, exercise well and stay well. B

  4. Thanks B & F for the vote of confidence - I figure if my blogger friends are expecting new pics each day, it will be harder to cheat. Thanks Eric, for the feedback - the bottom pic is a rack of pants hanging in the op shop [second hand charity store] window.

  5. I love the idea of a photo a day but I am sure I would never keep it up. I suppose I could cheat and do what you have done, take enough on one day to last a week or so. I am afraid that you have blown it with posting all these at once.

  6. I'm sure you didn't cheat Noela. Love the choices you make for your photos. Each one is an inspiration. Stay well.

  7. Ian - ye of little faith - No, I'm not cheating!! Jo knows I wouldn.t cheat. Maybe you can check by going to 'properties' - don't know if blogged photos show the properties.

  8. A great resolution, anything to make exercise more inspiring. Well done.
