
Monday, January 10, 2011

Rainy Maleny

...the bridge near the showgrounds,
Yes, our town is notorious for lots of rain, but in the past couple of days we have had a constant downpour. We are in the hills so not in danger of flooding as in the river flat areas of central Qld, but our local picturesque 'river', the Obi Obi is in flood and the bridge in the centre of town was close to going under last night. It has rained all night, so I will venture out a bit later to see if it has flooded. Fiona and Barry were called out last night to stack library books on tables as the library was in danger of flooding.
...centre of town,
...the deck of the library,
...there is a pedestrian underpass under this bridge.


  1. Oh my goodness- how terrible- so much flooding- about 15 years ago I lived in a suburb of Portland Oregon that flooded- I lived higher up but the bank, library, stores, schools everything flooded with water- I hope the waters recede soon and sun dries up all the extra water.

  2. Thanks for the good wishes Donna and Leslie. My niece in Gympie has been evacuated - not much we can do - mother nature is SPEAKING xoxoxo

  3. impressionnant..! bonne chance!
