
Friday, January 14, 2011

Acting the Clown

As the flood waters start to recede in Brisbane we find that the absolute best is coming out in people - volunteer help is appearing from everywhere.
Time for a touch of light heartedness as I enjoyed a fabulous dinner with good friends Barry, Fiona and Ken. I am wearing my new 'Fisherman's pants' and a silly pair of huge strange shoes with  a somewhat dubious history - [not mine], yes, I am 'Acting the Clown".


  1. wonderful outfit and so comfy. I scrolled down your posts to enjoy the way each piece came to life. Looks like you know how to have fun.

    I love how people come together when one another needs help.

    Thank you for your visit, lovely to meet you.

  2. I have been so sorry to watch all the flood news on TV news channels-- but glad the waters are receding-- and you really do look kooky but fun and creative.
