
Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Small Gestures"

I've had a few good days with my Art work - more Bazola, a commission for a wedding present painting based on my 'Beautiful Spirit' design, orders for new 'Wabi Sabi' jewellery from a local gallery 'Art on Cairncross', and 3 small completed paintings on canvas which I have titled 'Small Gestures'. I am very happy with these 3 and I hope to create many more of this genre - launching them in  the Main Street Gallery [Montville] Christmas show.
These latest paintings are created from the 20 metres of fabric which was exhibited last June at the Lucas Parklands sculptural show. They are only 200mm square on stretched canvas. Many more to come!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bazola again

We are not going to get rich at the rate it takes me to get these pieces finished!! Never mind, are are both really enjoying the process and we keep coming up with new ideas, techniques and materials. One VERY rainy weekend, I knitted wire and this is the result - Baz beaten copper and silver plated brass, Noela knitted and wrapped wire and some silver beads thrown in for good measure.
Baz keeps giving me bling that is very cleverly and suspiciously shaped into twisted, hangy, dangly, bits -and they come in pairs!! - hmmmm- maybe he reckons earrings will be a good seller. The bonus for me is that they are already polished!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Some more Bazola jewellery

It has been a slow process between an Open Garden Studio Exhibition, rain, rain, and more rain [record amounts], and a persistent migraine, but at last I have managed a few more Bazola pieces.
This last pieces are pendants using techniques developed by Mary Hettmansperger - a brilliantly inspirational artist using a combination of found objects with cold formed connections.

A big THANK YOU to all our [Barry's and mine], lovely friends and fellow bloggers out there who have complimented us on our Bazola stuff. We are thrilled to bits that people are loving our collaborations. We value the comments from such wonderful artists whom we very much respect and admire.

I have just watched the last of the Chilean miners being rescued from the collapsed mine. Such a powerful message of hope and the power of prayer and miraculous happenings. So good for humanity to have a super good news story at this time

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bazola raw material

I was out to dinner last Friday night with lovely friends, lovely home made pizza and good wine. One of my lovely friends is Baz of Bazola who is the Friday Night Pizza Cooker. He is also the Friday afternoon fold former [he and Fiona ALWAYS manage to spend a few hours creating in their studios on Friday afternoons]. Barry presented me with a box full of fold formed metallic bits [almost still warm from the beating and bashing]. What a delight. Here they are with a few of my favourite forms.

...and here are some of my flotsam and jetsam driftwood pieces which I will include in my new designs. Can't wait to get stuck into it this week in between all  the Arts group meeings.  

I have also ordered 130 metres of neoprene cord off Ebay [thanks to my sister Glenys for her Ebay expertise] so some of these will be worn around the neck. We will have a good collection for the pre Christmas show at Main Street gallery in Montville.