
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A day of PHOTOshopping

 Yes, photo shopping is fun, whereas ordinary shopping is such a bore. I find it hard to get out of the house to buy groceries, let alone shop for clothes or consumerist 'stuff' ......ugh....
I had a fun couple of hours with my sister yesterday taking photos for 'piccy comp' - a facebook group thing with this month's theme 'parks and gardens'. We went to the local river/park, where there are lots of waterfalls big and small and plenty of 'chocolate box' scenery.
These are some of my original pics - no photoshopping.
  Every day I feel blessed to be living in such a beautiful place.
...and a pretty photoshopped azaelea from my garden to finish off.


  1. Noela, these are beautiful. I have photoshop on my computer but have not used it. I only use my iPhoto to manipulate my photographs. I really do need to learn how to use photoshop! It really looks like much fun!

  2. these are all very beautiful images-- esp. the water current images. I am taking an online workshop on altered imagery and also having fun.
