
Monday, July 5, 2010

Another finished project

It has mostly been a week of paperwork and boring stuff, so nothing much creatively has happened, 'tho I did manage to finish another 'book' - the fabric one with all the samples I did in the Dorothy Caldwell workshop in Ballarat last April.
...with the unresolved cover,
...I added another bit of black fabric to the red and a couple of long straps,
...then rolled the book and rolled the cover around, tying the straps in a bow.
It's a strange way to present a book, but it's only for me, so hey - I'm free to say 'who cares?!?!'


  1. Hi Noela! I've 'found' your blog! You may remember me I was a tutor at Ballarat during Easter this year, your friend Jan was in my class.....I'm pleased to follow your wabisabiart your work and also love wabi sabi.
    I'm also interested in your piece about intellectual and moral rights to art works (photos etc)It's an interesting discussion that you have started, did you get any responses?

  2. Nice to meet you Noela! Your book that rolls up is so lovely, so I just thought I'd leave you a note to let you know!

  3. Great presentation. I do wish your blog updates would show on the blogger dashboard and my side bar. I just have to remember to come see what you are up to.

  4. I think sometimes that the best work is the ones we do for ourselves- case in point is your beautiful cloth book.

  5. Thank you for all the lovely comments. I am still hassling with 'Feedburner' re the blog update issue - any help would be greatly appreciated. Peta, no, I haven't had comments about intellectual property.- an ongoing difficult issue for all of us, I think. Love to all xoxoxoxo

  6. Hi N

    It's nice to see it finished and in the 'right way' just needed time to let you know what that was!

  7. Hi Noella

    I am home for a short period and feeling the cold, especially without the sun, it is so dull...

    I loved your silky book...of textures, history, use and colour...

    Happy days
