
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


13 artists have installed 56 sculptures in the garden and rain forest walk of Lucas Parklands [a private 20+ acre property near Baroon Pocket Dam]. The exhibition was organised by Arts Connect, a local arts organisation with lots of drive and enthusiasm.
These are my pieces:

'Sail Away' dedicated to Delwyn's dad..
It has been a hectic few days with lots of physical work - lifting, bending, climbing ladders, scrambling over rocks and getting stuck in the mud, but I think the effort has been well worth it.
 'Sails in the Forest'
We have a bit of fine tuning to do on Friday before the open garden on the weekend. Lots of organising and hard work just for 2 days, but it has been a very rewarding experience for us all.
'Sailing on the Edge' 
'Back to the Source'


  1. magical and sublime...these elements bring to my mind the wrapped trees in the Asian forests that monks create to honor the standing ones...these 'wings' are surprising yet with a similar feel of reverence.

  2. Noela they all look great - something magical and mystical about coming upon these forms in the rainforest landscape...


  3. I love the delicate and elegant quality of these pieces. There is a nice contrast in the sharp geometric shape and the sheer fabric and visual floating. Thank you for presenting this work.

  4. Hi Merci - yes, I think I was subconsciously influenced by the tree wrappings I saw in Japan last year. Thanks for making that link for me.
    Hi Fiona, thanks for the feedback - yes, I've been too busy to look at them like this, but I love the magic and mystic reference xoxox
    Hi Terry, you have hit the nail on the head with the asethetics I was trying to create with these works. Thank you.
