
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another finished project - a Fabric Book in a Box

As I mentioned weeks ago, I have been consolidating some of my life drawings into books. The first one to be finished is a fabric book, ready for the 'challenge' at the ATASDA meeting in Brisbane on Saturday.
For the challenge, we were given a cardboard box to do anything with - I chose to merely cover it and use it to store my book.
The fabric is teadyed cotton. The feature on the top is beach driftwood with beach weathered glass. I made it up as I went along [can't you tell?].

I've used the same fabric to cover the book and simple 'Japanese stab' binding for the spine. The brass booby bit in the top right corner is a cufflink I found at a local 'car boot' sale.

The pages are scraps from life drawings I did on calico many years ago. Some of the calico has been deliberately stained with mould [easy to do here in the rainy Maleny summer].

I have also used shellac, acrylic paints and a variety of marking pens.

Some of the pages are randomly stiffened with glue.

..and here I've played with T shirt transferring film ironed onto calico.


  1. I love the cover of your box that holds your wonderful book-- both inside and outside is a work of art-- love the textures and subdued colors. I admire book artists as I don't have the patience to do all that binding.

  2. I love the idea of making a book without words, just images. In my painting, I "write" images in a calligraphic way, keeping the process as simple and truthful as possible. By truthful, I mean unmanipulated. Thank you for sharing your beautiful things.

  3. OMG I love the organic nature of this journal. Your work make me smile and want to touch!
