
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello Friends!!

Hi to all my lovely friends whom I have just added to my automatic email list, and thanks for verifying the email. If you scroll down from here and then go to 'older posts', you will see what I have been up to [creatively] over the past couple of months. The blogs go from newest to oldest - yeah, a bit confusing, I know.  Do you remember me when I looked like this? I am scanning old slides - this one was taken in 1980 - 30 years ago!!
I belong to a blog group called ALaW [ A Letter a Week] where 20 people from all over world make/draw/create a letter of the alphabet every week then post the results on the blog site. Maybe we will have an exhibition when the alphabets are complete. It gives us a creative goal every week and it's great fun to share with people we don't know. I have taken photos of an old green wooden box then used minimal photoshopping to create letters.
This is my letter for the coming week.


  1. hello. thanks for commenting on my blog-- I love the name of yours-- and have been scrolling down all your previous posts-- love all your hand made books and other art works. I see that you went to Japan last year-- I went to Kyoto this past October-- loved every minute there-- went to two gigantic flea markets that are fabulous-- fell in love with the stone gardnes and the textiles and am already planning a trip back in 2011. If you go back through some of my older posts you will see some of my photos and writings about my trip.

  2. Hi Noela, very nice talking with you at usc gallery; even nicer to discover your inspiring blog
