
Sunday, January 3, 2010


The Grafton Artsfest committee asked me to be part of a summer exhibition they are holding in Yamba, Northern Rivers Coast, NSW,  in January. I am sending down a dozen paintings including four new ones. [I'd do a slide show here if I could figure out how to do it]. The exhibition is called 'ART IN ALL ITS EXCELLENCE' and includes 10 of their regular tutors. I'm very happy with the first two paintings - 'Flotsam and Jetsam' 3 and 4. I continually struggle to not overdo my paintings, so I am happy with the free gestural mark making in these two. I think the other two are overworked [nothing a coat of gesso won't fix after the event!!].

The next step was to make a box to send them in. Because I decided to 'blog record' the making of the box for anyone who is interested??, I went about the process in a structured and methodical way [which actually made the job easier and more accurate, I am pleased to say].
Step 1
Stack and measure paintings.

Step 2
Draw a diagram of prospective box,
and a fold out plan drawing with measurements.

Step 3
Mark out, cut and join a large refrigerator box to plan.

Step 4
'Tack' box together with tape and adjust if necessary.

Step 5
Stack in paintings, fill spaces with bubble wrap or similar.
Step 6
Reinforce corners with plenty of tape, add large addressed label to top and side and plenty of 'handle with care' stickers - wishful thinking!

Off to the Post Office. It cost $55 to send this regular post. Express Post would have been over $250. Hope it gets there in time for the opening on Friday night!
This box making process worked well. It was a perfect fit for the paintings.


  1. Love the rust and simplicity of Flotsam 3 and 4.

  2. Thanks, Barry. I think the rust paint is becoming a 'must have' in my paintings. Love it :)
