
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back again with BAZOLA

Hi there - it's been a while - a combination of other priorities, other distractions, and plenty of procrastination.
Thanks to all my blogger friends out there who take the trouble to read my blog, and for being patient with my lack of updates.

I hope everyone has a very rewarding, fulfilling and most of all,

I have not achieved much creatively in the past few months, but hope to change that soon.
I managed some Bazola a couple of weeks before Christmas - a creative collaboration of jewellery between Barry Smith and myself.
Main Street Gallery, in Montville is our stockist - the pendants sell for app. $90 and the earrings app. $70. Contact the gallery if you are interested in purchasing, they are happy to post out.










...and a funky photo taken of the earrings above when my camera was playing up - the shutter sometimes gets a bit stuck...

...much love to you all...

Thursday, October 18, 2012


As announced in a previous post, I am thrilled to be the recipient of the prize for my 'Devil's Dice' fibre piece in the 2012 Flying Arts exhibition and award.
I thought it was worth another post as I am receiving all sorts of congraulations and accolades from near and far - including a full page in this week's local paper and even a hand signed letter from Campbell Newman [Qld Premier]!!!
I'd like to say 'thanks' to Flying Arts [and Gabriella], TAFTA [and Janet de Boer], and all the supporters out there who have sent me good wishes.

About Flying Arts - Flying Arts promotes the appreciation, practice and professional development of the visual and media arts throughout Queensland, especially for artists and communities with limited access. They offer arts development workshops and events in a wide variety of genre, delivered by a team of professional artists and facilitators. The exhibition will travel all over Qld in 2013.

About TAFTA - TAFTA has been a supporter of ‘Flying Arts’ for many years, offering an annual bursary for a fibre artist who exhibits in the annual touring exhibition. I have been awarded flights, fees and accommodation to the 2013 Textile Fibre Forum of my choice.  I will go to Geelong on Sept/October and do a week long workshop.

Statement about the work:

‘Devil’s Dice are iron ore cubes which can change to pyrite then limonite through a process of ‘pseudomorphism’.  This work relates to the mining of iron ore in Australia.
The ‘devil’ is a good metaphor for the industry and the dice has connotations of ‘dicing with death’, and taking risky chances. Will Mankind one day decide that the risk of mining the earth was too great?
My silk shapes reflect the fragility of the situation and the process of metamorphosis that happens not only to the iron ore and the silk but to the whole universe’.

I started with undyed silks which I steeped in green tea and rust for a few days. The resulting tones of brown and beige were a happy surprise. The fabric was cut, stitched and patched with the traditional Korean ‘pojagi’ style seams. Strips of the patched fabric were then constructed into 3D triangular forms. During htis process, I remembered some cubes of iron ore I had found in the outback many years ago. The connection to the pojagi forms and the current controversy surrounding the mining industry in Queensland was too strong to be ignored.

 ...some details. I love the interplay of lines, shapes, textures and shadows.

Monday, October 8, 2012

'Sailing Inland' last day

My second day of installing my sails at Gerrard's Lookout went well.
I chatted to lots of people and many were quite impressed with the concept.
I set thinks up a bit differently yesterday - sails on both sides of the road and I sat in the shade under a convenient tree [35deg in the sun], where most people needed to pass me to get to the lookout - ample opportunities for a casual chat.

Thanks to Christine for helping me set up, Ken for the morning coffee, and of course a huge thank you to Barry for the behind the scenes paper work to make the whole art4place 'Creative Spaces' viable.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

'Sailing Inland' rescheduled

I have had to reschedule my second day of 'Sailing Inland' installation at Gerrard's lookout, Balmoral [Maleny-Montville Rd] due to ill health, [damn, I'm not invincible].

I am reinstalling the sails this coming Sunday, 7th October - 10 till 4, so once again, if you are in the area, half strength white, no sugar [laugh], please stop for a chat.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Yeah -  a reason to celebrate and do a short post - yes, a RED DOT, sold last week at the Tree Frog Gallery, Maleny.
This is a still life I did a couple of years ago - exploring my love of texture - must get back to these!!
...and on another note, it is a 'beautiful' day today - drizzle and mist, [Fiona calls it 'mizzle'], even in the early afternoon. I love the way the sights and sounds are all muffled, with only the gentle pitter of soft rain drops falling from the treees - a bit like the wonderful stillness and cosy shrouding of cloud and fog in the snow fields. The sharp starkness of colour is reduced to the essentials of tone, and the senses are given a rest from the over stimulation in daily life. Scottish DNA is making a connection.....
...yes, 'Peace' indeed.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Mad Month

...well, not really mad, just full on with Art Activities in this region - fabulous stuff happening everywhere- too much to post here with my SLOW internet connection, so please forgive the frequent links to further information.  Please go into the links because there are great works and activities to enjoy and inspire.

I will start with my GOOD NEWS.

A. Flying Arts Award.
I have been awarded the fibre prize for my entry into the 2013 Flying Arts touring exhibition. This entitles me to flights and all expenses paid to a 'Textile Fibre Forum' class of my choice in 2013. Geelong, here I come in Sept/Oct next year. Thanks very much, Flying Arts and TAFTA.
This is my entry:
‘Devil’s Dice’
rust dyed silks, machine stitched 'pojagi' style.

"These shapes relate to the mining of iron ore in North and Central Queensland.
Devil’s Dice are iron ore cubes which can change to pyrite then limonite through a process of ‘pseudomorphism’.
For me, the mining issue is a difficult one to come to terms with. It creates jobs for our people, wealth for the nation and raw materials for all those ‘essential’ goods we take for granted. On the other hand, the country is being decimated, traditional owners forced from ‘country’, and greed and consumerist mentality reinforced.
The ‘devil’ is a good metaphor for the industry and the dice has connotations of ‘dicing with death’, and taking risky chances. Will Mankind one day decide that the risk was too great?
My silk shapes reflect the fragility of the situation and the process of metamorphosis that happens not only to the iron ore and the silk, but to the whole universe".

B. 'Food as Art'
Ken [Sept 18th post] recently organised an exhibition of local artsits to cooincide with the highly successful Real Food Festival held here in Maleny. This is my entry:
'An Apple a Day'
[highly colourful for me - it was fun for a change]

C. Flags for Peace.
This project was started By Mary Jane Dodd in the US. Fiona and Ken coordinated the project locally. This is my entry which is still hanging on the front deck and hopefully will stay for many weeks yet. 
The flags read 'Peace' in English, Japanese, Arabic and Tibetan.

D. 'Sailing Inland'
Art4place is a community arts organisation which I belong to. We have 6 projects running this month. This is my contribution:
"This installation tells stories of the past and of the present, connecting the coast to the hinterland.
The white sails echo the arrival of many of our forebears by sailing ship, along the coast that stretches out far below the escarpment.
The colourful sails reflect the hang gliders that regularly float and thread themselves across the skies above, taking off from the escarpment and drifting down below, bringing the mountains to the sea"

E. Peace in the Trees
...another art4place activity - starting with a 2 day sandstone carving workshop culminating with an open day yesterday to view the sculptures in situ - beautiful.

F. Jackson Li and the Suncoast Clay Workers
We met Jackson last year in China. He is the owner and founder of the Sanbao Ceramic Institute in Jingdezhen, China. Jackie Gasson of the Suncoast Clay Workers organised a major EVENT [Ignition exhibition and competition at Cooroy Butter Factory, Hands of the Masters - [Jackson, Kevin Grealy, Greg Daly and Janet de Boos] -  at the Art and Ecology centre, Tanawah, and other various workshops and networking events.
...Mieke won the Ignition Sculpture award - congrats Mieke...
...Greg Daly's lustre work...
Kevin Grealy's works...
...Janet de Boos latest China/Australia collaborative pieces....
...Jackson Li's Australian made pieces and rice paper painting...

G. Jackson's Brushmaking Workshop
...ah - I LOVE being a student.
....preparation with a tea 'ceremony'... brushes - from dog and horse hair [goat and donkey would have been better].

I think that's enough for one blog - hope it's not too much for your computer, but I think mine is super slow -  I am about to update my download.
...and we still have a week of September to go!!!