
Thursday, February 24, 2011


All images have been manipulated from the top left image- a photo of beautiful flowers from the tropical 'Cockspur Coral Bean' tree. I have used only colour filters and a bit of cropping.
Yes, a bit of colour - it feels so strange to be excited about colour for a change. I have been teaching 'Digital Design' to a few groups of people over the past few weeks. Great fun. I am thoroughly enjoying the challenge - teaching mainly 'mature' ladies who are enthusiastically embracing the challenge of the computer and how it can be used in their arts practices. We are all learning from each other, and some remarkable designs have been created. Some of the results are here, mostly printed onto T shirt transfers then ironed onto fabric, ready to be developed into textile projects.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


At last I have completed all the collages ready for the 13th International Collage Exchange, with a few spares and one or two I have decided to keep for myself! What a treat, something I rarely do. Usually I am 'left' with the works that don't sell from each new body of work, but strangely enough the 'leftovers' are usually my favourites.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Taken for Granted

I have a tatty collection of flotsam and jetsam found at the beach and dumped just outside my studio door. I love my little treasures but go past them dozens of times every day without giving them a thought. Time to look carefully and to appreciate the textures and patterns created by a combination of the forces of nature and the forces of bugs and creatures unknown.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is a project that began in 2010 and is primarily about having fun, experimenting and having a regular, small project to focus on each week. The aim is simply to write/create a letter a week, creating 52 letters which must form 2 alphabets by the end of 2011. The main rule is that the letter must be presented on a piece of material measuring 7cm x 7cm. There are currently 34 contributors, from all parts of the world.
I have decided to use the Mayan alphabet as my inspiration with a subtle reference to the equivalent Roman letter in the bottom right corner. I am really stretching the boundaries of what is required, but as I am not a calligrapher, I need to do other things. There are so many brilliant examples of calligraphy in the project - I am totally blown away.
...photographed with flash,

...photographed without flash.
I have used copper wire sandwiched between 2 layers of teabag, lots of glue and gold wax highlights.
I want to join the 'letters' together to make a hanging that will go in a window so that the light comes from behind and in front, depending on the time of day/night.